Flight Flix Robby Clamp GoPro Ball Mount (FF-MTBGP-BSDR)
FAA approval rating: Safe and Secure / FAA Temporary / FAA Minor Alteration / FAA Approval Available
Safe and secure all metal GoPro ball mount is versatile and rock steady. Unique GoPro adapter with over 180 deg of travel for all GoPro style cameras. Virtually limitless camera adjustment angles. The Rock Steady Robinson Rib Clamp Base fits the window center rib channel on any Robinson R22, R44, or R66 Helicopter, or clamps on to 3/4" tubing such as in Husky and Cub interior frame tubing. FAA friendly use by hand without tools.Versatile all metal GoPro ball mount for GoPro and Garmin cameras.
Unique GoPro adapter with over 180 degrees of swivel.
Limitless adjustment ball and socket.
Robinson Rib Clamp Base fits the window center rib channel.
Fits any Robby R22, R44, or R66 Helicopter.
Clamps to 3/4" tubing such as in Husky and Cub interior frame tubing.
Synergy Mounting Systems is an authorized Flight Flix / Rock Steady dealer.